Computing the Shift-Invariant Bottleneck Distance for Persistence Diagrams
Nicholas J. Cavanna, Oliver Kiselius, and Donald R. Sheehy
CCCG: The Canadian Conference in Computational Geometry, 78-84 2018
We define an algorithm that can compute the minimum of the bottleneck distance between two persistence diagrams over all diagonal shifts, in $O(n^{3.5})$ time. When applied to log-scale persistence diagrams, this is a scale-invariant version of bottleneck distance.
  Author = {Nicholas J. Cavanna and Oliver Kiselius and Donald R. Sheehy},
  Booktitle = {Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry},
  Title = {Computing the Shift-Invariant Bottleneck Distance for Persistence Diagrams},
  Pages = {78--84},
  Year = {2018}}