Linear-size meshes
CCCG: The Canadian Conference in Computational Geometry, 175-178

Most modern meshing algorithms produce asymptotically optimal size output.
However, the size of the optimal mesh may not be bounded by any function of $n$.
In this paper, we introduce \emph{well-paced} point sets and prove that these will
produce linear size outputs when meshed with any ``size-optimal'' meshing algorithm.
This work generalizes all previous work on the linear cost of balancing quadtrees.
We also present an algorithm that uses well-paced points to produce a linear size
Delaunay mesh of a point set in $R^d$.
@inproceedings{miller08linear, Author = {Gary L. Miller and Todd Phillips and Donald R. Sheehy}, Booktitle = {CCCG: Canadian Conference in Computational Geometry}, Title = {Linear-size meshes}, Pages = {175--178}, Year = {2008}}